You can complete the survey by clicking on this link
We have had over 600 responses to our survey to help identify what Menieres sufferers find most effective in managing their symptoms.
The advantage for you in doing the survey is that it gives you visibility of a comprehensive set of measures that people have tried to control their symptoms.
The survey is a very quick tick box exercise and only takes 8 minutes to complete and is very useful to yourself, to us and to Menieres sufferers in general. It’s proving to be a great way to provide an evidence based approach to seeing the most effective ways of managing Menieres Disease symptoms.
From a global perspective based on our first 600 responses in total across specific groups i.e. Deaf to Menieres members, US, UK and a combination of Netherlands and Belgium.
The league table of respondents who had best results i.e. those who have no vertigo or dizziness was as follows :
Deaf to Menieres – 54%
Netherlands (in isolation) – 32%
US – 30%
Netherlands/Belgium (combined) – 27%
UK – 22%
The main survey comparison has been between the top group of people who have no menieres or dizziness compared to the bottom group of people who have regular menieres or dizziness and feel their symptoms are out of control.
It’s fair to say that as we would probably expect, there is clearly no silver bullet evident which says take this and your symptoms will go away. It’s also clear every individual is unique and finds a unique approach which works for them. There is no one thing fits all approach to dealing with Menieres symptoms.
The main feature of the top group seemed to be that they were addressing many things at once i.e. healthy diet, good sleep, exercise, stress and trauma.
Diet has a big role to play with a large majority in the top group saying they eat a healthy or specific health diet and quite large numbers in the bottom group saying they don’t.
But the main difference evident was in supplement and vitamin intake.
Very high numbers of the top group were taking vitamin D. Other supplements Vitamin C, B12 and magnesium were also very popular along with zinc and lysine for anti virals.
We are happy to share more details of the results of this survey to help inform the Menieres community of which are the most effective methods of attempting to control your symptoms.
You can complete the survey by clicking on this link
While you are here, to help us further our work in establishing effective ways of managing Menieres Disease Symptoms it would greatly help us if you could ……. :
The Root Cause guide has been built up from patient feedback supplied by our members.