Stephen can be contacted by email at “”
His website on his protocol is available here

As at today’s date, the resolution of Stephen’s own hydrops via the Stephen Spring Protocol objectively measured by TTEcohG and Audiogramme from 60dB loss to near normal is very encouraging long term.
Stephen Spring’s immunotherapy protocol arose from decades of otoimmunology research. Rather than suppress immunity, the protocol stimulates the correct immune response over time. Caught early
enough, it aims to curb on going damage and may prevent bilateral affection. It consists of blood tests (genetic sequencing and protein expression), a weak immunostimulant and addresses individual environmental factors that incite immune complex formation and thwart the clearance cascade. It requires 12-18 months, sometimes longer.
Recently as genetic sequencing has dropped in price dramatically this is now his starting point.
Stephens latest leaflet on Menieres and his programme can be seen below.
There is a PDF version which you could download and print off:
Stephen Spring Protocol latest update PDF