Menieres Africa

Whilst it is a very challenging situation to have Meniere’s in Africa there are two basic things which could be done in an attempt to relieve Meniere’s Symptoms:

Follow the Diet for Meniere’s recommendations made on the page here. Many people can relieve Meniere’s Symptoms simply by diet and lifestyle adjustments 

Secondly, find a doctor who will diagnose you with SERC (Betahistine Dihydrochloride) which is used worldwide and could be made readily available in Africa. It’s worth a try. See full details here. 

Elikem has set up MENIERE’S AFRICA . She is anxious to find other Meniere’s sufferers in Africa. It would really help her if you would SIGN UP WITH US  so that we can then organise better diagnosis and treatment in Africa.

Elikem has had Meniere’s since 2010. She is totally deaf in her left ear and still suffers regular vertigo attacks along with occasional drop attacks

Elikem is a Meniere’s sufferer who lives in Ghana. It was her idea to set up Meniere’s Africa to keep in touch with other sufferers and interested parties.

Meniere’s is not a disease that is recognised in Africa. In Africa when people are having constant dizziness it is attributed to loss of blood. Hence there is no effective diagnosis programme for Meniere’s.

We are keen to keep in touch with all those interested in the awareness, diagnosis and treatment of Meniere’s in Africa and keep you updated on the latest developments.

There is limited treatment available for Meniere’s in Africa and it is all very expensive. Hence there is no effective treatment available.

Elikem has suffered drop attacks and gets regular vertigo. Elikem suffers all the usual symptoms i.e. dizziness, ringing in her ears, regular vertigo. She is completely deaf in her left ear and gets very loud ringing in that ear at night.

She has no treatment available for her condition that she can afford.

Elikem was originally examined and told the the problem was from her  nostrils and was prescribed medicines for the wrong condition.

Elikem is looking to increase awareness of Meniere’s in Africa so that effective Diagnosis and Treatment can be made available.