We are a patient led global charity registered in the UK dedicated to helping you find your ROOT CAUSE and find TREATMENTS THAT WORK.
The Root Cause guide has been built up from patient feedback supplied by our members.
We have an objective to screen 200 Meniere’s sufferers to help inform effective ways to manage Meniere’s Disease.
If we could raise the necessary funding we would also like to do some targeted testing to confirm common conditions within Menieres sufferers.
It would really help our aim in helping people manage their Menieres symptoms if you completed our screening questionnaire.
If when funding is available you would then like to also participate in a targeted testing programme then complete your email address on the screening questionnaire.
You can take our screening questionnaire here
The screening questionnaire will help identify most likely root causes of your Menieres and highlight the most beneficial approach to testing which could be done.
The tests will then identify the presence of bacteria, virus and toxins which may trigger the inflammatory response where the immune system can’t clear these pathogens.
There is already proven scientific studies showing evidence of inflammatory responses to pathogens, in this case mould toxins as shown in this study:
Proinflammatory Study 01_12_2018
This adds new evidence to support the view that levels of proinflammatory cytokines and the differences in the immune response to certain pathogens, including moulds, may explain that some patients respond to drugs with antihistaminic effects, such as betahistine, but most patients do not show a response different from placebo. Moreover, since patients using immunotherapy have reported an improvement of the duration and frequency of the vertigo episodes compared to controls, the assessment of allergic response in patients with MD, and the use of antihistaminic or immunotherapy as part of the treatment plan to control vertigo attacks should be considered.
Early samples of testing so far have already discovered large colonies of Marcons and Klebsiella bacteria in the sinuses of Meniere’s sufferers protected by exceptionally high levels of biofilm which masks their presence from the immune system. We have also found large colonies of Klebsiella and other bad bacteria in the gut of Menieres patients.
In many cases it would seem that the root cause of Menieres Disease is very similar to the root cause of many other chronic diseases e.g. Lyme, ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lupus etc .
As stated above, the objective of the Menieres 200 Project is to verify this approach with a measured study aimed at putting 200 Meniere’s sufferers through a screening questionnaire which would then inform a programme of targeted testing looking for common themes and likely root causes.
This could then lead to a consistent set of approaches in managing Menieres Disease and relieving Meniere’s symptoms.
We are a global charity searching for ways of managing and relieving symptoms of Menieres Disease. It would really help if you would JOIN WITH US HERE and you would then also receive regular updates on progress.